Cambodia has one of the biggest problems with child trafficking in the world. Our catch-up schools combat this human rights issue by providing safe havens for children where they can get the knowledge they need.

  • We use education as prevention: We generate awareness among adults about trafficking and exploitation.
  • We conduct outreach programs.
  • We train local authorities on techniques for how to keep children safe in their families.
  • We partner with and help the local church extend its influence to help protect Cambodia’s most important resource: its children.

Neighborhood Kids Outreach

Asian Hope’s organic approach to evangelism has fostered a growing outreach ministry in the local community around Logos International School’s campus. It has grown into a ministry reaching over 500 children.

Each Saturday children sprint onto the campus to play soccer, go swimming and participate in Bible and English classes.We are passionate about strengthening the family structure through Neighborhood Kids Outreach. One of the ways we are able to accomplish this is through our Christmas and Easter Outreach programs, where we invite local families to learn about the Good News.

Catch-Up Schools

Our longstanding work in education proved that we could use education as prevention against child labor and exploitation. Asian Hope has sought to tailor its intervention efforts to needs not being met by other organizations. The Catch-up Schools, run through the Village Development Program, are Asian Hope’s answer to an unmet, critical need felt by many families in the targeted communities. Because many of these children were unable to integrate into local government schools for lack of prerequisites, Asian Hope established the Catch-up Schools to prepare these children to successfully assimilate into these local schools.